Saturday, 15 January 2011

3 College Magazine Covers

  • The colour scheme fits in with the 'seasonal theme' e.g. pink connotes summer and freshness etc...
  • The font is clear and easy to read.
  • The photo fits with the genre of the magazine (college/school).
  • The coverlines are good, and so are the insentives.

  • The photo isn't as good qualilty as it could be.
  • There could probably be more images on the cover.
  • There should be more colour on the cover, to make it look brighter and attract more people's attention.
  • There could be more info/ cover lines on the page.

  • Again the colours link with the 'seasonal theme'.
  • There are good insentives on there.
  • There are some rhetorical questions on there, to engage the reader.
  • There are coverlines about fitness, and healthiness - to encourage people who read it to be more healthy.
  • There could probably be more cover lines and info on the page.
  • There needs to be more images, linked to pages within the magazine.
  • The main image isn't in the centre of the frame, and isn't using 'direct mode of address' which would have been more effective.
  • The front cover isn't 'busy' enough, it doesn't attact enough attention.

  • All of the coverlines and info on the cover stand out, i made sure i used a font and colour that would stand out.
  • There are good insentives on the cover, to make people want to buy it.
  • There is a coverline - 'exclusive interview'. The word exclusive makes people think that they will read info that you can only find in this magazine. Making people want to buy it!
  • The seasonal theme fit with the colour theme.

  • The background photo is too dark.
  • In the main image, the 2 girls arn't using 'direct mode of adress'
  • There could be much more information on here, also more coverlines linking to stories withing the magazine.
  • The colours are a bit boring, it could be much brighter, you can do this by using more colours.

Friday, 7 January 2011

media coursework G321

Hello! my name is Kate Parratt, i am an AS media student at Sponne School.
I will be creating a music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread.